
THE REAL WOOD BIBLE: The complete illustrated guide to choosing and using 100 decorative woods (Revised edition)
Nick Gibbs.  A practical, A-Z guide to the world’s 100 most popular and important woods.  An easy-to-use “Wood Selector” contains color photographs showing the beauty of each wood, the depth of the board and its end-grain detail.  Organized by principal, secondary, and special-effects woods, the Wood Directory is filled with descriptions containing a wealth of details about their characteristics, including: botanical and common names; type; strengths and weaknesses; color, texture, grain; hardness, weight and durability; seasoning and stability; sources and sustainability, and; more.  For anyone who enjoys working with wood, “it’s a must-have reference to the world’s most popular building material” – Log Home Design Ideas. 6-3/4 x 8, 256p, 300 color photos, charts, illustrations, 2012.
R0139 paperback..........US $19.95 CAN $19.95

KNOW YOUR WOODS: A Complete Guide to Trees, Woods, and Veneers
Albert Constantine Jr., revisions by Harry Hobbs.  Traces different varieties of lumber from the forest to the sawmill to the craftsman's workshop.  Describes over 300 principal woods; indicates the common and scientific names of each; shows how to recognize a tree by its leaf, bark, or berry; and features photographs and illustrations on how to identify a type of wood by grain, color, and texture.  Clear, non-technical style.  An intriguing reference for the craftsman or the tree enthusiast interested in the broad subject of woods - their identification, characteristics, and uses. 6 x 9, 384p, 150+ b&w photos + illustrations, 1987, 2005.
K6828 paperback..........US $14.95 CAN $18.95

SIMPLY BOARD FEET: The Definitive Guide to Lumber Calculation
Douglas Maxwell.  "Your handy board feet calculator!"  A fast and easy-to-use low tech calculator that will derive board footage totals for virtually every lumber configuration.  Handy charts/tables provide the board foot measurements for lumber from one to more than 25 inches wide, one to 20 feet long, and one to four inches thick.  A helpful resource and remarkable time-saver. 6 x 8-3/4, 60p, 55 tables, 2006.
S2045 paperback..........US $9.95 CAN $13.50

Eric Sloane.  A refreshing book that underscores the important role that wood has played in the development of American life and culture.  Combined with Sloane’s own sketches, the text illuminates with rare insight the enormously varied and useful qualities of wood.  Covers such topics as the aesthetics of wood, wooden implements, and carpentry.  An entertaining, factual and historically accurate book that will delight woodworkers and lovers of Americana. 8-1/2 x 11, 112p, 1 color illustration, 69 b&w sketches, 1965, 2004.
R3943 paperback..........US $9.95 CAN $13.50

WOODWORKER’S GUIDE TO WOOD: Straight Talk for Today’s Woodworker (Back to Basics)
This shop-tested manual gives woodworkers everything they need to know about their favorite material: wood.  Learn how wood behaves in response to atmospheric humidity, how to measure its moisture content, how to shop for wood, how to manage various lumber grades and defects, how to work with manufactured boards and veneers, and how to harvest and season their own wood.  Contains several woodworking projects, including how to build a solar kiln to season wood and how to build storage racks, and an extensive listing of wood species with working properties.  A valuable reference filled with practical information. 7-1/2 x 9, 160p, color photos + illustrations throughout, 2010.
W4642 paperback..........US $19.95 CAN $25.95

WOOD IDENTIFICATION & USE: A Field Guide to More Than 200 Species (Compact Edition)
Terry Porter.  Includes details on selecting and using over 200 species of wood from around the world.  Each species gets full attention with its own photo, plus in-depth details on on the wood's working properties, wood figure and defects, seasoning requirements, typical uses, and safety considerations.  Features drawings of the tree, leaf, flower, and fruit of most species.  Along with 200 full descriptions, another 200 species are handily listed in brief.  Concise and informative.  A comprehensive, portable reference for anyone working with wood at home or out in the field. 6-1/4 x 8, 288p, 400+ color photos, 200 drawings, 2012.
W4651 paperback..........US $24.95 CAN $32.95

WOOD IDENTIFICATION & USE (Revised & Expanded)
Terry Porter.  Revised edition of this definitive guide to identifying wood features: 17 more species of lumber (bringing the total to 400); a new section displaying a variety of decorative figuring, details on wood defects & potential health hazards, plus; an enlarged glossary.  Showcases over 200 woods used in cabinetmaking, joinery, carpentry, turning, carving, and a host of specialist applications; another 200 receive shorter listings.  Every featured wood is illustrated and described in detail, with facts on its working properties, seasoning requirements, durability, and typical uses. Color photographs provide close-ups of the various wood grains.  An indispensable resource for every woodworker. 8-1/4 x 10/7/8, 288p, color photos & illustrations, 2007. OVERSIZE.
hardcover.........US $29.95 CAN $42.95

WHAT WOOD IS THAT? A Manual of Wood Identification
Herbert Leeson Edlin.  A remarkable collection of forty (40) actual wood specimens shows the color, grain, and texture of the leading varieties.  Facilitates quick, easy identification of woods.  Detailed drawings identify uncut, unfinished trees by their leaves, fruits, and bark.  Explains where each kind of tree is grown and how to use its wood to the best advantage - from lamination to veneering, from carving and molding, to finishing.  An invaluable resource for builders, homeowners and hobbyists, plus a fascinating companion for nature lovers. 5-3/4 x 8-3/4, 160p, line drawings, originally published 1969, reprint 1998.
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W9074 hardcover..........US $32.95 CAN $46.95

THE WOODBOOK: The Complete Plates/The American Woods (1888-1913, 1928)
Roman Beck Hough.  R.B. Hough's The American Woods, originally published in 14 volumes, is a work of breathtaking beauty that set the standard for the study of trees and wood.  This special edition reproduces all of the specimen pages from the original.  For all trees, now arranged in alphabetical order, three different cross-section cuts of wood are represented (radial, horizontal, and vertical), demonstrating the particular characteristics of the grain and the wealth of colors and textures found among the many different wood types.  Includes 354 tree species and varieties.  Contains actual-size color print reproductions of Hough's original real wood plates.  Features lithographs by Charles Sprague Sargent of the leaves and nuts of most trees, as well as texts describing the trees` geographical origins and physical characteristics (English, French, German).  The "portrait" or description of each tree is divided into four sections: description; habitat; wood, and; use.  A valuable, unique resource for artists, craftsmen and nature enthusiasts. 7-1/4 x 10-1/4, 800p, color plates, 2007. OVERSIZE.
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W8187 hardcover, w/slipcase..........US $39.99 CAN $54.99

THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WOOD: A Tree-By-Tree Guide to the World’s Most Valuable Resource (New ed.)
Aidan Walker, Bill Lincoln, et al., eds..  A comprehensive, A-to-Z directory featuring more than 150 of the world’s most popular woods, with details on growth rate, distribution, key characteristics, working properties, and commercial uses.  Each entry includes a detailed color photo to show the tree’s unique grain, pattern, figure, and color, providing a valuable visual resource for selecting timber.  Introduction explains the anatomy and life cycle of trees, as well as the process of producing boards & veneers, and examines essential conservation issues.  A one-stop resource for woodworkers, crafters, furniture designers, and home enthusiasts. 8-1/2 x 11,192p, approx. 225 full-color illustrations, 2005.
Sorry, this title has gone out of print - limited quantity available!
E1815 hardcover ..........US $45.00 CAN $62.95

U.S. Department of Agriculture.  Discover virtually everything there is to know about the structure, properties, and preservation of wood.  Read about the structure of wood itself, from growth rings to its chemical composition.  Learn wood’s physical and mechanical properties, including everything from elasticity to nuclear radiation.  Includes a section on stress grading, as well as descriptions of which fasteners to use and when.  Contains details on adhesive bonding, biodeterioration, control of moisture content, preservation, fire safety, specialty treatments, and more.  An essential resource for builders, architects, engineers, and woodworkers.  8-1/2 x 11, 496p, b&w photos + illustrations, tables, figures, 1999, 2007.
E0576 paperback..........US $19.95 CAN $26.95

IDENTIFYING WOOD: Accurate results with simple tools
R. Bruce Hoadley.  With just the naked eye, a hand lens, a microscope, and the straightforward techniques described in this book, readers will be able to identify 100+ species of hardwoods, softwoods, and tropical woods most commonly encountered in North America.  Provides an overview of the wood identification process and a look at the basic anatomy of woody plants, softwoods and hardwoods.  Written for the beginner and attempts to provide a self-taught approach to wood identification. 8-1/2 x 11-1/2, 240p, 393 color photos, illustrations, charts, 1990.
I1047 hardcover ..........US $39.95 CAN $56.95

UNDERSTANDING WOOD: A Craftman’s Guide to Wood Technology (2nd ed.)
R. Bruce Hoadley.  This completely revised classic has everything you need to know about wood technology.  Explains everything from how trees grow to how best to cut, season, machine, join, bend, fasten, and finish wood.  Examples of problems and solutions help woodworkers puzzle through their own projects.  Up-dated information on composite materials, adhesives, and finishes developed in the past 20 years.  An essential reference for everyone who works with wood. 8-1/2 x 11-1/2, 272p, 325 color photos, tables, 2000.
U3588 hardcover ..........US $39.95 CAN $56.95

Rubin Shmulsky, P. David Jones.  A streamlined, updated version of this venerable wood science text.  Maintains key areas of coverage and builds on the strengths of earlier editions by providing readers with a comprehensive overview of the anatomical and physical nature of wood and the relationship of these characteristics to its use as an industrial raw material.  Includes expanded coverage of environmental issues, biomass, and bioenergy.  A timely, valuable resource for students, researchers, as well as forest products and wood science professionals. 7 x 10, 496p, b&w photos, figures, tables, 2011. OVERSIZE.
F0743 hardcover..........US $102.95 CAN $112.95

WOODWORKER’S GUIDE TO WOOD: Softwoods, Hardwoods, Plywoods, Composites and Veneers
Rick Peters.  A directory of more than sixty (60) types of wood, including close-up photographs of each displaying grain, color, and texture.  Charts lay out the projects that a variety of wood is suited for, its density and strength, how it stands up to various machines, and more.  Includes hints on recognizing defects, buying, and storage.  A great handy reference. 8-1/2 x 10, 192p (all in color), 2000.
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W6878 paperback ..........US $19.95 CAN $26.95

WORLD WOODS IN COLOR (reprint ed.)
William A. Lincoln.  A vital reference tool.  Contains information and descriptions on over 275 commercial woods from worldwide sources.  Full-color plates demonstrate the timber's natural grain and features.  Accompanying text includes commercial and botanical names, distribution, general description, mechanical properties, seasoning, working properties, durability and a full range of uses for each wood.  Color photographs throughout.  "...One of the best and easiest-to-use wood identification books" - Fine Woodworking. 7 x 10, 320p, 270+ color plates, 1996.
Sorry, this title has gone out of print and is no longer available.
W6201 hardcover ..........US $59.95 CAN $81.95

USDA Forest Products Laboratory.  Presents physical and mechanical properties of wood.  Includes discussion of commercial lumber, designing with wood and wood-based products, along with some pertinent uses.  Chapters include: lumber stress grades and design properties; fastenings; structural analysis equations, and; adhesive bonding of wood materials. 8-1/2 x 11, 463p, charts, b&w photographs, 1999. OVERSIZE.
W6667 paperback ..........US $50.00 CAN $62.95

CANADIAN WOODS: Their Properties and Uses
E.J. Mullins, T.S. McKnight.  This collection of nearly 70 years of research represents a comprehensive overview of a multi-faceted forest industry.   Providing a complete review of the woods found in Canada and their commercial uses, it discusses the structure, the strength and physical properties, and the chemistry of wood, plus lumber production, wood drying, protection, glues and gluing.  Other chapters deal with the processing and use of woods and wood products, panel products, houses and structures, pulp & paper, as well as codes and standards in Canada.  An essential reference for students and practitioners in the forest professions and in primary and secondary forest industries. 8-1/4 x 10-3/4, 389p, 280+ b&w photos & illustrations, 1981. OVERSIZE.
C4300 hardcover ..........US $53.00 CAN $53.00

SELECTING AND DRYING WOOD (New Best of Fine Woodworking)
The Editors of Fine Woodworking.  A lot of things have to be right about your lumber before it can be used in a project.  Choosing the wrong wood for a project or not ensuring its ready to be worked can cost you plenty, not to mention the time you'll waste.  These articles, reprinted from Fine Woodworking, offer expert advice on selecting stock, matching grain, working with a variety of species, harvesting your own lumber, and more.  Features articles on alternative sources of lumber, and how to dry wood by a using a kiln of your own making or air drying.  A valuable reference that helps take the mystery out of selecting and milling wood. 8-1/2 x 10-7/8, 160p, color photos + illustrations, tables, 2006.
S830X paperback..........US $17.95 CAN $23.95

Alan Holtham.  An expert's handbook on identifying, processing, seasoning, and drying your own wood.  Designed with the independent craftsperson in mind, it focuses on working with small loads - an approach neglected in most other books on this subject.  Includes tips on sources, as well as on how to select and prepare the wood to bring out the most desired grain patterns.  Coverage includes: anatomical structures of wood; data on working properties; seasoning and drying requirements; potential problems and solutions, as well as; health and safety considerations.  "A truly unique resource." 8-1/4 x 10-7/8, 192p, color photos, 2009.
H6419 paperback..........US $24.95 CAN $32.95

WOOD HEAT: A Practical Guide to Heating Your Home with Wood
Andrew Jones.  A practical homeowner's guide to using wood as a reliable source of heat with the latest wood stoves and traditional fireplaces.  Explores the efficiency of wood, the environmental impacts of various fuel types, and sustainability issues leading so many adopting a wood-burning lifestyle.  Explains the pros and cons of heating with: wood stoves (the most popular), fireplace inserts, pellet stoves, or masonry heaters.  Features all the information needed to convert to a wood-heated life, including: varieties of wood and their burning characteristics; the latest technology for burning wood efficiently and cleanly; catalytic and non-catalytic stoves; sizing wood-burning appliances; a chimney maintenance checklist, and; more.  An ideal guide for anyone interested in wood as a heating fuel. 6 x 9, 176p, color photos & illustrations, 2014.
W2990 paperback..........US $19.95 CAN $19.95

William H. Brown.  Directed towards the small timber merchant and/or landowner, this book details the most advantageous methods of cutting to produce the best yield and to preserve the best features of wood - how to cut up logs for the best yield, how to selectively cut for grain and appearance in different species, and how to deal with root stock, burls, and general factors affecting sawing.  Includes methods of drying timber, dehumidification, drying defects and how to avoid them, storage, and more.  A valuable reference "full of advice on 'do's' and do-not's', with tabulated information on the prime considerations for producing successfully seasoned wood" - Wood Central. 5-3/4 x 9, 222p, 37 b&w photos, 81 illustrations, 1989.
Sorry, this title has gone out of print and will no longer be available.
C6147 paperback ..........US $18.95 CAN $25.95

WOODBURNER’S COMPANION: Practical Ways of Heating with Wood
Dirk Thomas.  The author of the Harrowsmith Guide to Wood Heat provides a guide to the “ins and outs” of wood heat for anyone who wants to make sense of the options available.  Discusses the fuel value of various woods, how to buy firewood and get the most heat from it, the environmental impact of woodburning, and a variety of chimney and flue arrangements.  Descriptions of woodburning installations are based on the latest codes and recommendations from the United States and Canada. 6 x 9, 160p, b&w illustrations, charts, diagrams, 2000.
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W9206 paperback ..........US $12.95 CAN $15.95
           ON SALE ..........US $10.00 CAN $12.00...... only 2 copies remaining!

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